Hans van Doesburg, PhD
Title: Senior Advisor

Dr. Hans van Doesburg has spent most of his professional career as a managing partner with leading strategy firms worldwide.  In that capacity, he has led engagements for many of the largest global chemical, energy, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as for institutional clients in the US, Europe, and S.E. Asia.  His main areas of expertise include strategy development, organizational and operational improvements, mergers and acquisitions, and divestitures.  He has also been on the faculty of various universities in Europe and in the United States.

After working for Shell Chemical Company in Houston, he joined McKinsey & Company in Amsterdam, where he managed strategy consulting and other assignments in Europe and USA.  He became Managing Partner for European Chemicals at Booz, Allen & Hamilton in The Hague, Netherlands, where he headed assignments for clients in Europe, U.S. and Japan.  He then joined Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as a Senior Partner to lead the firm’s European Chemical Industry Strategic Capability while conducting assignments in Europe, USA and S.E. Asia.  He was a Senior Partner and Global Practice Leader for Chemicals and Energy as well as an executive committee member at Strategic Decisions Group until 2003 when he founded his own strategy consulting practice where he conducts assignments for leading companies in the U.S. and Europe.

Hans has written extensively on the chemical and energy industries and has presented numerous papers at conferences (e.g. Financial Times, Chemical Insight, Chemical Week, MITI, Dutch Chemical Association, etc.).

At the University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, he earned B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees (Cum Laude) in Chemical Engineering.

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